VLM User Policy
The Veterans Legacy Memorial (VLM) is the nation's first digital platform dedicated entirely to the memory of nearly 10 million Veterans interred in VA's national cemeteries; VA-funded state, tribal, and territory Veteran cemeteries; Department of Defense-managed cemeteries; National Park Service cemeteries; and private cemeteries within and outside the United States. Currently VLM includes Veterans laid to rest in private cemeteries since 1996 who received a VA-provided headstone, flat marker, niche cover, or medallion.
Please read the following Guidelines and Disclaimer. Submitting content for a Veteran profile page is not a requirement, but if you choose to do so, you acknowledge that you have read and will adhere to the User Policy.
A "user" is someone who accesses or in any way uses VLM. Users may create an account which will improve the participation experience, but are not required to create an account to use VLM. Users may not create or use an account for anyone other than themselves. Users may submit various types of content including tributes (comments), images, military milestones, biographical information, historical documents, and other information.
Users understand that VLM is not a public forum and is a virtual memorialization site intended to enhance the on-site national cemetery experience by honoring the legacy of Veterans interred in national cemeteries, highlighting the place of NCA cemeteries in American culture, and engaging the community to share and learn the histories of their hometown Veterans.
Users understand the intended purpose of VLM and that all posted content is subject to review and removal by the VA. VA may remove user content which it deems unacceptable, including, but not limited to, content which is obscene, threatening, defamatory, libelous, political, incites illegal activity, violates intellectual property law, involves advertisement of any kind, dishonors Veterans, or otherwise conflicts with or is not related to VLM's primary purpose. Content that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as social security numbers, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, etc. will also be removed. Users who submit documents must confirm the documents are accessible to those with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Users who submit an image certify that:
- The user owns all rights to the image or the image is not copyrighted/from a public domain.
- The user gives the VA a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, and royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, host, and adapt the image.
- There is no inappropriate content in the image. This includes but is not limited to content that is graphic, obscene, explicit, offensive, abusive, hateful, threatening, harassing, libelous, or defamatory.
VA reserves the right to revoke or suspend user privileges in order to further the purpose for which VLM was created. Users may also flag content submitted by other users, which alerts site moderators to the content.
Users may not imply that their content is in anyway endorsed by VA. Users who identify themselves as VA employees must make clear that their comments are made on behalf of themselves and not in an official capacity as an agent or representative of the Department.
Users access and use VLM at their own risk and assume all risks associated with their comments, their username, and the accuracy of information provided. Users who include personal information, including PII and personal health information (PHI) do so at their own risk. Users alone are responsible for their content.
This site may not be used for the submission of any claim, demand, informal or formal complaint, or any other form of legal and/or administrative notice or process, or for the exhaustion of any legal and/or administrative remedy. If you are experiencing any problem with the Department of Veterans Affairs, please contact the Office of the Inspector General.
If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. If you are concerned about a Veteran or current service member, call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and press "1." VA may alert law enforcement authorities if comments indicate or raise suspicion that a user will harm themselves or others.
If you have a question about your specific situation, please contact us through Ask VA. Note: Ask VA (AVA) is our online tool to send us your questions, updates, and documents online.
Biographical information added to VLM Veteran pages by NCA staff will be identified as NCA content whenever possible, otherwise VA makes no claims or promises about the quality, accuracy, or reliability of user-provided content. The opinions and content posted by users do not reflect the opinions of the VA. VLM is a moderated site, and VA reserves the right to make decisions regarding the content. However, the site and individual Veteran pages are not continuously monitored. VA may remove content that does not follow the Guidelines listed above, or content that VA may reasonably believe could cause harm. VA may revoke or suspend user privileges for violation of these standards or for other reasons as deemed necessary.
VA disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from any comments posted on this site. VA may seek indemnification from users for any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of a claim relating to any material users have posted.
VA may use any user content, including displaying, reformatting, or incorporating it to the VA website and the VA's privacy policies apply.
Inclusion of information about a non-VA program or service does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by VA or its employees.
VLM Customer Support
A VLM Customer Support representative for the Veterans Legacy Memorial website is available Monday to Friday (excluding Federal Holidays) from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central Time at 1-866-245-1490. Or you can email VLM Customer Support* and someone will get back to you within 24 business hours.
See our VLM FAQ page for answers to common questions.

National Cemetery Administration
Attn: General Inquiries
810 Vermont Ave
Washington, DC 20420
MyVA411 main information line: