Emblems of Belief
Available Emblems of Belief for Placement on Government Headstones and Markers
(1) Latin (Christian) Cross |
(2) Buddhist |
(3) Judaism (Star of David) |
(4) Presbyterian Cross |
(5) Russian Orthodox Cross |
(6) Lutheran Cross |
(7) Episcopal Cross |
(8) Unitarian (Flaming Chalice) |
(9) United Methodist |
(10) Aaronic Order Church |
(11) Mormon (Angel Moroni) |
(12) Native American Church of North America |
(13) Serbian Orthodox |
(14) Greek Cross |
(15) Bahai (9-Pointed Star) |
(16) Atheist |
(17) Muslim (Crescent and Star) |
(18) Hindu |
(19) Konko-Kyo Faith |
(20) Community of Christ |
(21) Sufism Reoriented |
(22) Tenrikyo Church |
(23) Seicho-No-Ie |
(24) The Church of World Messianity |
(25) United Church of Religious Science |
(26) Christian Reformed Church |
(27) United Moravian Church |
(28) Eckankar |
(29) Christian Church |
(30) Christian & Missionary Alliance |
(31) United Church of Christ |
(32) Humanist Emblem of Spirit |
(33) Presbyterian Church (USA) |
(34) Izumo Taishakyo Mission of Hawaii |
(35) Soka Gakkai International (USA) |
(36) Sikh (Khanda) |
(37) Wicca (Pentacle) |
(38) Lutheran Church Missouri Synod |
(39) New Apostolic |
(40) Seventh Day Adventist Church |
(41) Celtic Cross |
(42) Armenian Cross |
(43) Farohar |
(44) Messianic Jewish |
(45) Kohen Hands |
(46) Catholic Celtic Cross |
(47) First Church of Christ, Scientist (Cross & Crown) |
(48) Medicine Wheel |
(49) Infinity |
(51) Luther Rose |
(52) Landing Eagle |
(53) Four Directions |
(54) Church of Nazarene |
(55) Hammer of Thor |
(56) Unification Church |
(57) Sandhill Crane |
(58) Church of God |
(59) Pomegranate |
(60) Messianic |
(61) Shinto |
(62) Sacred Heart |
(63) African Ancestral Traditionalist |
(64) Maltese Cross |
(65) Druid (Awen) |
(66) Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod |
(67) Polish National Catholic Church |
(68) Guardian Angel |
(69) Heart |
(70) Shepherd and Flag |
(71) African Methodist Episcopal |
(72) Evangelical Lutheran Church |
(73) Universalist Cross |
(74) Faith and Prayer |
(75) Ichthys |
(76) Nichiren Shoshu Temple |
(77) Dove of Peace |
(78) Kingian Faith |
(98) Druze |
No graphics (logos, symbols, etc.) are permitted on Government-furnished headstones or markers other than the available emblems of belief, the Civil War Union Shield, the Civil War Confederate Southern Cross of Honor, and the Medal of Honor insignias.
An emblem of belief for inscription on a Government headstone or marker is an emblem or symbol that represents the sincerely held belief of the decedent that constituted a religion or the functional equivalent of religion and was believed and/or accepted as true by that individual during his or her life. The belief represented by an emblem need not be associated with or endorsed by a group or organization.
Emblems of belief for inscription on Government headstones and markers do not include social, cultural, ethnic, civic, fraternal, trade, commercial, political, professional or military emblems. VA will not inscribe any emblem on a headstone or marker that would have an adverse impact on the dignity and solemnity of cemeteries honoring those who served the Nation. Emblems that would not be permitted include (but are not limited to), emblems that contain explicit or graphic depictions or descriptions of sexual organs or sexual activities that are shocking, titillating, or pandering in nature; and emblems that display coarse or abusive language or images.
If you are applying for a headstone or marker and the emblem you desire is not currently available, please see information below:
Who Can Request a New Emblem of Belief?
CFR 38.632 rule states that the following individuals may request a new emblem of belief for inscription on a headstone or marker: the decedent's next-of-kin (NOK), a person authorized in writing by the NOK, or a personal representative authorized in writing by the decedent.
Instructions for Requesting an Emblem not Available for Inscription
To submit a request for an emblem of belief not available for inscription, the requestor must:
1. Establish that there is an immediate need for a Government headstone/marker to be furnished for a deceased eligible individual (i.e., submission of VA-Form 40-1330, for Standard Government Headstone or Marker, verification from national or state Veterans' cemetery officials).
2. Certify that the proposed new emblem of belief represents the decedent's religious affiliation or sincerely held religious belief system, or a sincerely held belief system that was functionally equivalent to a religious belief system in the life of the decedent.
3. Submit a three-inch diameter digitized black and white representation of the requested emblem that is free of copyright or trademark restrictions or authorized by the owner for inscription on Government-furnished headstones and markers and can be reproduced in a production-line environment in stone or bronze without loss of graphic quality.
Submit all information to the following address:
Memorial Products Service (41B)
Department of Veterans Affairs
5109 Russell Road
Quantico, VA 22134-3903